She only stood alittle over 4 feet tall at the end of her life. She was stoop over from many years of backbreaking work and wear and tear. She may have not been a large woman, but she had a great big heart. She passed from this life on Saturday afternoon, February 10, 2007.
She was the oldest daughter of my great-grandfather Cotton. He was a farmer and a church of Christ preacher. I owe much of my Christian legacy to his belief and faith. He passed that belief on to my grandmother and eventually to me. I am eternally grateful.
Jewel Cotton Jenkins, or "Mammy", as we affectionally called her, was born July 17, 1905. Yes, that is correct if you are counting up her age, she would be 102 in a few more months! She had around 10 brothers and sisters whom, her being the oldest, helped her mother raise and she grew up quickly. She was never one to complain, however, since she took after her mother who lived well into her 90's. Her mother was one of the gentlest woman I have ever met. Gail and I visited her one afternoon shortly before she died. Mammy came from "good stuff"!
I will always remember my grandmother for her sweet smile. She always had chocolate pie every time we visited. She would always pretend when she wanted a kiss on her cheek to take the lid off of her "sugar bowl". She always told me that she loved me. I knew it, but she wanted me to hear it.
I will miss Mammy very much. She was very much alert mentally to the very end, but her body could go no further. Once when we thought she was close to the end, Mom told me she went to see her and to her surprise Mammy was wheeling herself down the hallway to lunch! She was really tough and never considered joining the ever so popular "Ain't It Awful Club"!
Can you imagine the things that happened in her lifetime? The automobile, airplane, telephone, television, and space travel just to name a few! She probably could not come close to grasping the World Wide Web. She never seemed to get to excited about any of it. She flew for the first time to my home in Arkansas at the age of 95! She loved the trip, but the little plane unnerved my mom! I can still see her standing on the boat dock fishing. She dearly love to fish. She loved to read, also, and did some beautiful paintings in which I have several originals.
I don't know where to stop! I could go on and on! Simply said, she was quite a lady. I am proud to be her grandson. Tell her hello if you beat me to heaven! Look for her on the front row.