Tuesday, February 06, 2007


I have come to appreciate dental assistants so much more. When I assisted Rick in the provinces, we were mainly extracting teeth, and that was a matter of me just standing around looking important. Well, I guess I did put on bibs, hand him instruments, and sterilize. But now that he is working in a fully equipped dental operatory and doing root canals, this is a whole new ball game. Last Saturday, Rick started helping the staff of PIP. His first two patients needed root canals. He was pretty much on his own getting his supplies, so I was there to suction. I was standing and couldn't even see in their mouth, so he even had help with that. I was proud of not saying anything like "Oh My!", or "Oops!", but I think I stuck the aspirator alittle to far in the throat once or twice. The ship is tilting alittle due to the way it is anchored, so my stool kept rolling away. Only once did I almost miss it and hit the floor! We are still interviewing and I am pushing to hire an assistant asap! We did hire a cook and electrician. Sparky has decided to leave and is training the new guy, Sophal. Darith, the cook, was sent to school to improve his western cooking knowlegde. Slowly but surely we are acquiring a crew. We are interviewing many, and it is a slow process with the language barrier. Keep praying that we are hiring good men! Gail


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know too much about electricity, but something tells me that a guy named "Sparky" shouldn't be doing the training! Hopefully the new guy will make it. We love and miss you guys and will now be praying for your safety even more.

Gabe and Lori

9:59 PM  

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