Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Swabbing The Deck

We have learned to swab the deck literally over the last few weeks! Every morning the deck is covered with bugs which swarm to any light left on for security purposes. So every day they have to be removed with the many feet of hallways that somehow seem to get dirty even with no one walking on them. Living on a boat with many other people takes a major mind shift. Some times Gail and I just look at each other and shrug! Gail is so good to take the change in stride for the most part. How blessed a man is to have a wife like her.
We continue to work long days for the most part. A water filter systems was delivered today along with our computer systems. We are told we will be able to send e-mail though the ICON radio system being installed. I do not understand UHF and VHF and HF lingo but only trust that others will get us all fixed up. Tomorrow Gail and Marie Claire McDonough will shop for sheets and mattress covers for 28 beds! I will tackle portable mobile radios for the staff to be able to stay in contact whether shopping in a village or just somewhere on the boat. Sometimes I cannot find Gail for 30 minutes especially if she does not want me to! haha


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