In the Commune of Thom Nop Thom, Cambodia, 638 rice growing families work the fields each year by hand with a few collectively owned oxen. About one out of three years, they get enough rain to produce a small rice crop which they are dependent on for survival. Congregations of the Lord’s church in this commune care for these families and help them through the rice cooperative that Partners In Progress started 2 years ago, and feed their children by the Nutritional feeding program that sends a truck to their villages three days a week. However, many of those families never have enough to eat even in the good years.
Ten years ago a UN funded survey team drew the plans for an irrigation canal, which if completed, would provide water to 416 of these families. There has never been money to fund the construction of this three-mile long canal.
Partners In Progress accepted the challenge to raise $110 per family to dig this canal.
A committee of responsible farmers was formed to govern it and to be oversee its maintenance. May 3 the digging began and next week it will be completed. Four hundred sixteen, or 80%, of the families in this commune will now have water to raise rice every year and no longer will they suffer from starvation. God Cares and uses Christians all over the world to do his will. Go to the PIP website and read about all the projects they are involved with and how help is needed.