Tuesday, July 04, 2006


United States Embassy

We live just a few blocks from the very impressive Independence Monument here in Phnom Penh. It signifies Cambodian independence from colonial French rule in the 1950’s. It is in many ways the national symbol for this country. July 4th is a day set apart to celebrate our nation’s freedom but as far as we can tell, there will be no celebration for the US Independence Day here in Cambodia. Even the US Embassy has no plan for a public celebration. The picture above was taken in front of the US Embassy. When I went to take the picture, four guards came running out telling me “No pictures, no pictures!” Fear keeps simple things difficult. We sang “America the Beautiful” from our church song books at breakfast, but I will still miss the tradition of the day.
The Apostle Paul told the Philippians they were not citizens of the world any longer. We are citizens of heaven now. I am trying to celebrate this citizenship much more often than once per year. Our independence from Satan’s influence and this world is to be greatly celebrated. We should celebrate who we belong to at least each day if not more often. My US passport says I am a US citizen but the stamp on my heart says differently!


Blogger Jim Gardner said...


Wonderful thoughts from you today. In fact, my heart was attune to the same chorus as yours today. I wrote my blog today along the same line as yours, though without the impact of yours!

Thanks for sharing,


1:27 PM  

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