Last week Gail and I were able to visit with the blind man I have told you about before. Last time we saw him, he was working in the rice field planting rice. He also climbs sugar palm trees for a living, if you remember! He asked us to come back after the planting season and tell him more about our Jesus.
Our Christian brother Kimsom, went with us to translate and meet him for the first time. Kimsom preaches for a congregation of over one hundred people just a short distance from Mr Sok's house.
We shared with him how Jesus had so much to offer. He had never heard of Jesus but listened carefully. We told him of God's great love for all people and how he had sent His Son to redeem them. when Mr Sok saw Kimsom's enthusiasm and love for God, he wanted to hear more. We invited him to Church the next day. He came, and I presented a lesson about heaven and how God wants us all to be with Him there. He again showed great interest. We are hopeful that He will continue to learn and perhaps, like so many in the New Testament, bring his whole family to love the Lord.
We leave tomorrow morning for the US. We may only write occasionally over the next few weeks, but hope to have some exciting news very soon now. Thank you all for your interest and your prayers over the last year. We find great strength in knowing you care for us and God's work here in Cambodia.