It is 8 P.M. on the 4th of July. No one has mentioned the holiday. Not one firework has exploded all day. I have not seen an American flag or any kind of banner. I didn’t even get the day off!
I am proud to be an American though. The song may be kinda overused but when you live in the third world it rings true. No one around us knows the kind of freedom that we enjoy in America. When I try to describe it to the crew they just think I am exaggerating it seems. They cannot grasp that I can criticize the government and not fear for my life. They cannot grasp that I own many guns and shoot them regularly. They don’t understand “We the People”!
I’m kinda jealous of those having a back yard picnic today. Hotdogs and chips and baked beans and home made ice cream…..umm umm! Fireworks in the Village from the Bennett’s back yard sounds good too. Hope you all have a wonderful time. Never take for granted your freedom that most of the world cannot fathom. We have wonderful memories from the past but at the same time are blessed to be here.