Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nurses from Maumelle

This next week will bring two nurses who work at Baptist Medical in Little Rock to the Ship of Life. Natalia and Kelsey. They are kind enough to carry some meds over for us plus I threw in some of Rick's favorites..dill flavored sunflower seeds! I know they will have a great experience with Sarah Kate and the medical staff. Please keep them in your prayers. Kevin and Catherine Carson who have been on the ship for couple of weeks have now left. I know Rick enjoyed having them aboard. Bill is working on the itinerary to move the ship back to Kompong Cham province which will take it back south on the Mekong. Please keep them in your prayers as they work with the Ministry of Health. gail

Monday, July 19, 2010

Trip to Vietnam

Rick informed me that Bill, Kevin Carson, Walt, and the ship's engineer Sokhan has traveled by bus to Ho Chi Minh city to check out putting the ship into dry dock sometime in the near future. There are some things that need to be fixed properly which means going back to the ship builder in Vietnam. It will be a huge project just getting the ship across the border, but when we tried to do dry dock in Phnom Penh, it was difficult to get the right supplies and the proper maintenance men. For longevity of the ship, this is the best thing to do even though it means it will be out of commission for at least a couple months. If things are settled with the ship builders for a time frame to take the ship, we will post it for anybody who was interested in a medical mission in the near future. gail

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Sipadan Dive Trip

One of God’s gifts on this walk through life is blessing us with people who enrich our lives. I wish I could name some, but I know I would forget them all who touched our lives while working in Cambodia. However, two of them happened to be passing through Hot Springs and I was able to meet up with them at Books a Million for a coffee and chat. Dennis and Sharon Welch are now living full time in Cambodia and are involved in many ways, but the Sunset Bible School is the primary work took them there. I forget that they are babes in Christ having accepted Christ and baptized only eight years ago, because they speak with love and wisdom. Maybe it is their zeal and enthusiasm that some of old timers tend to take for granted and even lose in time. They opened their home to us with we needed a place to stay in Phnom Penh, but also their hearts to get to know them in a deeper friendship. They will depart for Cambodia July 28 and return home. Please keep them in your prayers as I will. Gail

Monday, July 05, 2010

Surprise.. a new post!

Today is July 5th and we haven't written anything since Rick left. Sorry about that. As our time in Cambodia will soon come to an end, the blog is slowing down. A major problem is that I am not on the ship and I forgot to give Rick a camera to take. We have been communicating and I should have posted something sooner. The ship is as far north as is ever has been. Kratie is a new province and our director, Bill, wanted to go there for the month of July and check it out. It is probably about a six hour drive from the capital, Phnom Penh. Rick mentioned during his last phone call that his supplies are low and the city does not have anything available, so that could be a problem. There is a team from Texas on the ship now that includes a doctor and two nurses. Walt and Sarah Kate are doing great and Rick said they are working hard to learn the language. I will try to pass on information as I recieve it. Two nurses are heading to Cambodia from Little Rock at the end of the month and I am sending a camera with them! gail