Many people come onto the ship wearing T-shirts made for the American market. I have asked at least 50 kids wearing Mickey Mouse shirts if they know who Mickey Mouse is! They all say no! Most of the shirts are made for some US company and rejected for some minor flaw or misspelling of a word. This man’s shirt was different though.
Ask Me About Jesus. What a great idea. So I did. He was Vietnamese and could not speak a lot of Khmer but I asked him about Jesus. He was confused at first and like most did not know what his T shirt even said. I kept asking him about Jesus and he said he was a Christian. He said he attended church every week close to his home.
Maybe, as Christians, we should get some of these shirts also. Pretty scriptural actually. Maybe the shirt could say, “I’ve got Good News”. Romans 10: 14-15 urges us to do just that.