Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Arriving in Colorado

We asked for snow and we got it!! lots of it in Colorado. Driving north from the Interstate on the highway that takes us to Pagosa Springs, Colorado was a bit scary. We had planned to drive during the day, but with the road crew out working, there was no problems. Upon arriving at the house, we couldn't get in the driveway because of the snow that was pushed up from the street. We had to call a friend to come over and clear it for us. However, the next day and night it snowed another 14 inches, so Rick and I shoveled our drive so the kids could drive in. We definitely used muscles we were not use to using! Now it's time to ski! gail
Friday, December 26, 2008

Our joy in returning to the states is of course being with family. The Maberys were scattering for Christmas day, but we all reserved a day to celebrate Christmas. Love and laughter were the highlight but need I say there was great food and fun gifts. Our parents are both gone, but the memories we have together get more in abundance as we make more! Hope all had a great holiday wherever you are. gail
(The first pic is the "Mabery siblings" and the second is the "cousins")
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
First Anniversary

We were finally able to visit Greg and Janice in their apartment in Fayetteville. Of course, Janice has made it very homey and they had a beautiful tree in the living room. December 15 was their first anniversary, but with Greg studing for finals, I don't think could celebrate until he was finished. But they will beable to join us in Colorado skiing. And I just checked the website and there was several feet of new snow! Now, we just have to get there safely! gail
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ship Update

Bill writes that work is progressing nicely on the ship's dry dock maintenance. The necessary checks on the props went well and the painting is getting done. He reports that the crew is doing great on their new roles as painters, sanders, and whatever else is needed. That is good news. We knew it would be an adjustment to what is "normal" to their daily routine! It will be great to return to a ship with an updated look! gail
Friday, December 19, 2008
Time to Work

After four years at Harding University and three at SMU Law school it is now time to work! Brittany and Zac live in Palestine, TX which is only 30 miles from Jacksonville where Rick's mother lives; so when we were in the area at Thanksgiving, we were able to visit Brit's office where she now works. We are proud and excited for her to begin her career and utilize all that knowledge she gained while in school! gail
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Staff Support

The crew of the ship and the staff at the PIP house went to the wedding and celebrated the special day with Awee. It is great to see everyone supporting each other in special occasions. Troy, Tabitha, and Julie have done some great things at the house that involves the staff and church members. They have had not only devotionals and spiritual opportunities, but also themed parties and games. They are experiencing that Christianity is more than just a couple of hours on Sunday. gail
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wedding Bells

No wedding in the Northen family, but this is Awee, the cook for the teachers at the WEI house. We missed her wedding, but about fifteen of the house and ship workers were able to attend and sent this picture to us. Her brother, Sokun, works as the ship's night guard. The Khmer tradition is to give the couple a monetary gift in the envelope that the wedding invitation was sent. There are no bridal showers and no gifts given. We were able to give Awee our gift before we left. If we had gone to the wedding, there would have been a time when you would go up to the bride and groom and give them the envelope. The money is to help pay for the activities. Depending on how extravagant the meal is, the money helps with that cost and also the seven different dresses that the bride changes into during the course of the ceremony. There is really not a "vow" ceremony or anything like we have. The Buddha priest does do some chanting but everything is just with the immediate family while the guests are at tables eating or visiting. It is a very casual atmosphere and people come and go.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Nap Time

I was going through some of the pictures I took while we were in Phnom Penh before returning to the states and thought I'd share them. Where the ship was going into dry dock, there was a major road that serviced several foreign restaurants and guest houses. As I walked to the ship, I spotted these moto and cyclo drivers taking time out for their afternoon nap. I don't think I could balance on the back of a moto like that! These are two options of transportation you have to get around the city. gail
Friday, December 05, 2008
US Citizenship

Marie-Claire will no doubt be a citizen of heaven some day, but for her remaining years on earth, she will enjoy the blessings of being a US citizen. We will make sure that she learns the national athem in the months to come!
Thursday, December 04, 2008

People ask us what we miss most while in Cambodia. Sure, there are some favorite foods, church activities, and social events; but, family is what is most important. Thanksgiving was shared at Rick's mom's house in Jacksonville, Tx. We missed his sister and brother-in-law from Nevada and some nieces and nephews, but the house was full of food, football, and talk. Not sure in what order that should be in. Roger and Nancy (in first pic) from Ft. Collins, Co. came back to Arkansas with us and the guys did some fishing and the girls enjoyed a trip to the springs. We are trying to get some of our "to do" list done now. I got sidetracked when I signed up for Facebook and got lots of new friends! ha! I might not beable to access that as much in Cambodia, but for right now it rather fun! gail