Thursday, March 16, 2006

Matthew 28:19

The fields have been ready for harvest! Sunday during the morning worship at the Khmer service, five more souls were baptized into the Lord. Two were students of the young Romanian English teacher, Teo, and the remaining three had been attending services and studied with James, the minister. So often, the teachers who come and teach English feel that their students are so close to accepting Christ, even though their culture is surrounded by Buddhism. But time does not allow them to see the harvest of their work. What a blessing for Teo to see four of her students accept Christ. Hopefully, she will be able to stay through the summer and continue nurturing those who were baptized and others that she still studies with. There is an evening service we have in the house that is in English. The American men take turns with the lessons, but tonight a young Khmer man led the lesson for the first time in English. Nathan and Cheryl Wheeler have a Khmer service in their home to accommodate the young people who work and live on the other side of town. Rick and I went over to their service to support a young man who was bringing the lesson. Before we left last December, Rick was helping prepare his first lesson and it was such a joy to witness his presentation and see how confident he was. Nathan and Cheryl are doing a great job working with these young people. How awesome to see both of these young men participate and take a leadership role in sharing their faith.


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