Muddin Time Again
It is not the rainy season.. yet. However, there have already been some very hard rains. The second time it rained, we were next to a slope of pure mud. Unfortunately, we had to walk up it to get Michael to the airport. We all took extra shoes and rags to wipe our feet. The villager who lived at the top allowed us to use his water to wash our feet. The roads were the next challenge. But after several uncertain spots we made it through to our destination. And it is not even the rainy season…yet. It would not be so challenging except our little truck is not 4 wheeled drive and, worst of all, it is very low! When we come to deep ruts or even water puddles, we are always afraid we will, “high center” the truck and we seriously stuck. We did get stuck last week several times but got out relatively easily. We do some “muddin” but not for fun!