Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pure Religion

We have been collecting an offering for the last several months and have been trying to help the poor with our small 11 person church fellowship. We bought about $50 worth of used clothes several months ago and have handed out many to needy people.
We recently decided to help more. In each village we come to we usually can identify the poorest quite easily. We have decided to help one person or family in each place we visit. We send several crew members to interview them about specific needs and ways we might help. In Prek Dack, we found a poor widow woman who was taking care of her 2 orphaned grand children. The picture is of Piseth and Captain Cheurn with her little house in the background.
She gets up at 3 am each morning and rides her bicycle to buy fruit that she will prepare and sell in the market. She told us her bicycle was in disrepair and she needed it to be fixed. We did that for her and also gave her twenty kilos of rice for her family. I told our little church we were practicing pure and undefiled religion according to James Chapter 1. Now we just have to keep doing these kind of things and keep ourselves from being polluted by the world. rick


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