I wanted to pass this on since it was great news! Just a short update of happenings on the Ship of Life while Bill and Marie are in residence. I copied Bill's note below.
From the Ship of Life in Cambodia We are five hours north of Phnom Penh, just South of Laos, on the Mekong River where last night we took our two interns from the Cambodian Bible school and two Christian crew members to preach in the village. 30 people braved the torrential monsoon rains to come to hear the Word preached for, they said, "The very first time." After an hour of preaching we asked if there were questions and one lady said, "We don't know what to ask since we never heard of the living God before." They then said "If you will come back tomorrow afternoon there will be many more people who want to hear" soooo. we are due to go back everay afternoon for the rest of the week to continue sharing the Word. Please pray for us.
Bill & Marie-Claire McDonough