I am currently in Phnom Penh, but just arrived from the province. We have not had internet for a week and a half and I came in to try and figure what is wrong with our connection. Rick and I came in last weekend to meet with the Ministry of Health and to hire a new engineer, so we used the internet cafes, but now I am back to attempt to solve the mystery of why no connection. It was an interesting trip in from Peam Chikang where the ship is now. First leg was a moto ride that I think the moto did not have shocks. Not long into the 30 minute ride, my sandal was thrown from my foot. It was alittle embarrassing to ask him to turn around and retrieve my sandal. But onward we go. I help on securely to the back of my seat to keep from bouncing off. Upon arriving at the village along the highway, all sorts of moto drivers wanted my business, but no, I was looking for the van to the city. I waited only 15 minutes and a van appears. I think "great!" only three of us are riding. But that was a ridiculous thought because it wasn't five minutes later the driver was pulling over for more people. Finally with sixteen of us stuffed inside, we drove on. The baby next to me must have been scared of my white face since she cried everytime she looked at me. Then the rain started. I thought I was being smart by sitting next to the window so I would be sure and have air, but when the rain began, my window could not be shut because of the rope tying the bamboo posts on the top of the van. I was trying to meet with the computer expert at 5:00 p.m. and was getting nervous about being late. I thought by leaving at 1:30, I would have plenty of time. I did not consider that rain might slow the traveling down, but the stops as people got out was a bigger issue. Finally the city came to view and I was hoping the rain would stop long enough for me to take another moto ride over to the computer shop. It did and I made it to my appointment! So hopefully we will be back in business with better posts than this one! gail