It is always a great opportunity for visiting teams to see the culture of the country they are working in. We were blessed to be able to accompany the team to Siem Reap and see the heart of Cambodia, Angkor Wat temple. These are amazing structures that have lasted through time and have been restored mostly through the efforts of the French people. The weather has been tolerable with some cool breezes. I have added a letter that Roger sent to him mission coordinator that just has some facts of the week. They have made it an easy week for us and we appreciate their efforts to come here and be with us. gail
Hello Pastor Frank, and all those that support our team,
We have just finished our week of clinic. It has been a tiring, but rewarding
5 days of clinic. We had two dentists from Timberline, Dave Earnest and Roger Northen. Rick Northen is also a dentist, and he helped in the dental clinic. Nancy Northen helped as a dental assistant and also helped with the cleaning of the instruments. Brent Eskew helped in the dental clinic and was a big help. Ron and Kristi Norman helped in the optical clinic along with Phil and Claire Smith.
Rick and Gail Northen were our hosts. They pretty much run the entire Ship of Hope, and do a fine job. I have never experienced a better organized host and clinic operation.
The total number of patients seen for the optical area was 252 so many glasses were made and sunglasses given out. In the dental clinic 269 patients were seen and many bad teeth were extracted. The medical doctor saw 328 patients with the pharmacy filling out prescriptions for all of them; so numerous medical issues were helped.
We are leaving tomorrow to see the wonders of the Angkor Wat temples in Siem Reap. We will also visit the capitol city of Phnom Penh. Roger Northen