Mabery Reunion

Memorial Weekend is a great time for family reunions and this year we had many of the Maberys down in Hot Springs Village. My grandparents are gone, but of my dad's siblings there are Uncle Bob, Aunt Janet and Sheila remaining. Janet and Sheila came along with several of my cousins. It was so good to visit and remember our early family gatherings. I put in the group photo that shows chaos, because that is usually how large gatherings are! Ha! Our family picture is missing someone... Greg. He is wandering around Europe with a buddy after graduating from Harding and before joining the workforce. I especially enjoyed the sermon Jim Dubose spoke Sunday morning about remembering what Memorial Day is really all about. The family fellowship is great, but to remember the men and women who gave their lives to insure the freedoms this country has. More importantly he went on to say as Christians we remember each week the sacrifice Jesus made to insure our salvation. Hope you had a wonderful holiday, also. Gail