Monday, October 16, 2006

Morning Walks

Miracles never cease! Rick and I have determined to get up and walk every morning. As of today (Monday Oct. 16) we have walked everyday for three weeks. We have even added a little jogging in and actually break a sweat. We have this trek around the Independence Monument that allows us to join in with many other early morning risers. Did I mention we get up at 5:45 a.m.? It is quite similar to a fair-like atmosphere. There are people who walk, jog, play badminton, walk dogs, do this Thi Chi routine, and sit on benches to watch everyone else. There are vendors selling fruit, peanuts, and a chance to weigh you on a scale. I know enough Khmer now to tell them I’m too fat to stand on their scale! It does feel good to have achieved this monumental goal, but I am still waiting for it to be easier to crawl out of bed.


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