Saturday, October 14, 2006


I am writing this on Friday the 13th. I really don’t have any superstitions about this day, but it is fun to joke about. Rick has commented about the fact that the last thirty entries of blogs were written by him, so this is my contribution. The delay of the boat has given me mixed emotions. Anybody who has been around me realizes that I am not the most patient person. But in this situation, I feel at peace about the delay and realize that the Lord is using this time to help us. The Bible study we do with the WEI students only increases our faith and knowledge. The blessing of meeting wonderful co-teachers has also enriched us beyond words. We understand that we have only scratched the surface of knowledge about this people and culture. And I guess the greatest part is realizing that Rick and I have grown closer to each other and to the Lord. When the clutter of life clears, it is at those moments you really see what we are suppose to be all about. Being here has cleared a lot of clutter for us. Gail


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