Sunday, May 28, 2006

Blind Man

There are several stories of blind men being healed by Jesus in the Bible. They are all thrilling to read and imagine what it must have been like for those radically coming into the light from total darkness!
This week I had an experience with a blind man in Cambodia. I drove some men from the villages where they preach to buy some seed to plant in their drip irrigation gardens. Upon returning them home, we came upon a blind man. He was walking down the middle of the dirt path we were on with a piece of cane tapping the sides as he walked. One of the preachers told me he had been blind for 20 years but I was amazed with what came next. He works independent of anyone’s help to support himself and his family. He has several children and he supports them all!
How does he do that? He climbs sugar palm trees and takes the sweet liquid gathered in collection buckets to the market to sell! The trees are very tall and dangerous to climb even with sight but he walks several miles, 7 days a week, to accomplish his job. I was amazed!
When we drove back to the place, I could not find him. I wanted to talk to him, with a translator, and have him tell me his story. I will try to do this in the future. So many people beg here with what seems to be no physical ailments. I can’t wait to talk with him someday soon and find out, “The rest of the story”. I cannot heal him but maybe I can share with him about Jesus and His life giving power.


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