Saturday, October 24, 2009

Widow - Part 2

We decided to build her a house! We went to the local lumber place and priced the materials to build her a small house. The owner of the land thumb printed a document allowing her to live on his land as long as she was alive. We had the materials delivered to the site and went after it.
All of the crew pitched in and helped. It seems that all Cambodians know how to build houses. Here you do not contract with a builder, you build your own. So all of the crew knew something about the building process.
It took us a total of 8 hours to build the house and even though it was only 13X10 feet in size, it was secure, with a solid roof and a door that she could lock from inside. Some of the local men helped us with some aspects of the project but we did most of the work. People stopped by all during the process and wanted to know what was going on. We prayed with her when it was finished and asked God to bless her little home. They were all very appreciative to say the least.
I know what you are thinking. How much did it cost? $278.50. Turnkey. Our little church could not afford the cost but I told them I would raise some money from friends. We might even look for other similar causes and repeat the process. If you would like to help or take it on as a bible class project, let me know. It really is a good feeling to help widows and orphans in their distress.


Blogger Bill and Amanda said...

That is very touching.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Do we just send a check for our part to the Partners in Progress office, or what?

10:21 PM  
Blogger Nicki said...

you are all beautiful people! keep doing the amazing work you are; i am so blessed to know you all!

8:43 AM  

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