Monday, February 23, 2009

Dedicated Reporters

Russ and Rosemary have a fifteen minute spot on their local cable station in Kennett, MO called “Time to Talk”. When they travel, they video tape their experiences to share with their viewers. In the different years they have worked in Cambodia, I’m sure they have aired many stories about the life here. I know because everywhere we go, they have the camera out! But what a video history they must have of their experiences. I had to laugh and take these pictures last Saturday when they were attempting (and succeeded) to climb the hill that we are docked in front so they could go to the bamboo factory and market. Not only did they have to climb, but they had to walk through the trash dump also located where we are. We joke about what they will do for a story, but they are dedicated to the program and take many interesting stories back home. Gail


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