Monday, March 24, 2008

Just Thinking!

Easter has come and gone with hardly a notice here in Cambodia, but for the average Cambodian, every Sunday here is just another day. But I’m sure most congregations in the Christian world had special services, flowers, singing and of course the annual picnic. We do miss these family traditions. Memories of our own bring smiles and pleasant thoughts of children hunting eggs and candy. In talking to some of the students, I think it is very difficult for them to grasp that a God would actually die for human people. With their Buddhist background, mankind is supposed to act and do good things to acquire a form of salvation. I’m glad as a nation we have Easter to remind people of a risen Savior, but even more as we commune weekly with the Lord’s Supper to remember that no matter how good we are, or what acts we complete, nothing but His blood saves us. Not only is this concept difficult for the Khmer to understand, but I think it is still difficult for Christians. I know when I read Ephesians 2: 1-10 that I have a lot to be forgiven and much to be thankful for. Gail


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