Weigh and Measure

Troy and Tabitha Snowbarger are working with the nutrition program that PIP has here in Cambodia. They are doing a great job and have some innovative ideas for the program. They keep up with the growth of the children that was first establish by Dr. Shannon DeShazo. Since we are in Phnom Penh and have a few days off for the Pchum Ben holiday, I decided to accompany them to Kompong Chanaang to help measure and weigh some of the children. Before we left the house, the ship's nurse/pharmacist, Siheang, came by to drop off a list of drugs we needed for the ship. He asked what were we doing and I told him. He asked if he could come along and help. I was very impressed for him doing this on his holiday. He was great with the kids and really helped. Actually he helped more than I did, since I pretty much just stuck stickers on the kids' foreheads after they were weighed and measured! gail
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