Angels Rejoice!

Let me first identify who is in the picture so you can know who I am talking about. From left to right are Marie-Claire McDonough, Srei Mom, me, Saron, and Teo Soos. Four nations are represented here and two years of study. France, Cambodia, USA, and Romania. Srei Mom and Saron are great friends who work together at the Cambodian National Museum in the archeology department. Neither one studied past high school, but they wanted to learn English. They were able to understand enough to be accepted into the WEI program, but it was difficult for both. Throughout the two years, both have been taught by Marie, Teo and I and several teachers who filled in gaps between times when others were gone. Every day, they came with questions and thoughts on what they were reading. Normally, it doesn’t take so long to finish the course, but both had some difficulty with language skills, but more importantly, they wanted to learn and understand about the Bible. Saron accepted Christ two months ago. Srei Mom was baptized last Sunday. We knew both were not being flippant about this decision because of the time it took to decide. Their families do not accept this decision. Srei Mom fears that her family will alienate her if they find out about her being a Christian. Please pray for these two beautiful young ladies. Please pray for the others who are trying to live for Christ is a Buddhist world. Gail
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