Sunday, August 23, 2009

Day of Rest

Today is Sunday and Rick and I spent the morning reading and catching up on some things. I was washing the dishes and had a very unfortunate breakage. The glass carafe of the coffee maker. Now to a ‘loves morning coffee’ lover like me, this was very upsetting. I just can’t go out and get a replacement and I couldn’t very well put it back together, so now I am trying to figure out what I can put under the filter basket to catch the coffee besides making one cup at a time. Never fear, I’ll come up with something. Since we are alittle closer to the Phnom Penh now, we got a few visitors. Yesterday, Chris and Casey Allison brought their two young daughters and took a quick tour. We were working clinic, so they got to see it in action. Today, Judith Mackey who is teaching English at the WEI school came out to see the ship. She had pictured something a bit smaller, so she was very happy and said she wouldn’t feel as sorry for us as she did with her original idea of what the ship looked like. The baby in the picture is not in the wheelchair because he is an invalid. This little “big” guy cannot be carried around by his older siblings, so they push him in the wheelchair! For all my coaxing, I couldn’t get him to smile.


Blogger Nicki said...

sorry to hear about the coffee pot! and I was just telling people about the fat baby yesterday when I was showing Cambodia pictures to my family. Miss you all!

8:51 AM  
Anonymous shari said...

The baby looks like he is laughing with you! Love you!

5:56 PM  

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