First Day of Clinic

This past Thursday was our first real clinical day on the Mekong. Overall, it was a total success. We worked at an island where the shore line was very shallow so the people had to come out to us in small boats. they then went up stairs where Madame Gail, as the crew call her, ran the triage'! That is her in the blue shirt.
We saw over 100 patients the first day which was amazing. Dr Watanak, our Khmer MD, saw around 80 patients himself. It got pretty hectic at times but we all felt great about the first day and slept very well. After much waiting we are finally doing what we came for 18 months ago. God has blessed us so many ways I cannot count them.
AMEN!!! How wonderful that you have begun what you have waited 18 months to do. May God be truly praised. I know people will be touched spiritually as you give them an experience of what the love of Christ is like.
Kevin Carson
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