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I have spoken in the past of a vibrant young Romanian woman here with us named Teodora Soos. As far as anyone with us knows, she is the first Romanian missionary to leave her homeland and evangelize long term. She is passionate about sharing the life changing story of Jesus Christ.
When I recently asked Teo to tell me the history of Romania, she was immediately distressed. Distressed because she could not tell me much about the last 60 years, particularly the years of the Communist rule. She told me that when she tries to find the history of her country from 1945 to 1989, everything has been erased…vanished in thin air! She can find accounts on the web from outside sources but not within Romania.
She told me that in A.D. 106 the Roman Empire defeated her homeland known at that time as Dacia. When I asked her if Romania was an Eastern-Bloc country she was unsure. She did know that Romania gained its independence in 1989 after a civil war and the execution of the Communist Dictator Ceauscu. Many of the Romanian politicians today are holdovers from the former communist leadership whom she seemed to be very wary of!
Teo may be uncertain of some of the history of her country but she is certain of whom she believes in for her hope for tomorrow. She relies upon God our Father and His Son Jesus Christ not the political leaders of today’s world. Teo is a 26 year old single Christian young lady who inspires us all to love one another.
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