Monday, October 13, 2008

A Patient Named Khorn

I knew right away that he was not a young man. He had that weathered look of someone who works outside in the sun for a living. He also had a deep fissure in the side of his face. His name is Khorn and he is 50 years old.
I knew that he wanted an extraction. He had told me that in line this morning. When he opened his mouth I could see the numerous teeth with severe decay. When he opened his mouth widely, infection poured from the outside of his cheek!
About once every two or three weeks I see a draining fistula under some ones chin but this was the first one to come from an upper tooth. When I asked him how long he had this problem he said nine years. When I asked why he did not seek dental care before he said, “Aught mein loy” which means , I have no money.
The teeth were easy to remove and the antibiotics will clear the big cyst. I hope he enjoys smiling without yellow liquid coming from his face. I bet others will too.



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